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网址:www.mene.oy56.cn  2021-09-25  作者:admin    阅读:

实际应用中,牌照识别系统的识别率与牌照质量和拍摄质量密切相关。牌照质量会受到各种因素的影响,如生锈、污损、油漆剥落、字体褪色、牌照被遮挡、牌照倾斜、高亮反光、多牌照、假牌照等等;实际拍摄过程也会受到环境亮度、拍摄亮度、车辆速检查井钢模具 隔离墩模具 隔离墩钢模具 流水槽模具 U型槽模具 螺杆启闭机 卷扬式启闭机 铜雕佛像 度等等因素的影响。这些影响因素不同程度上降低了牌照识别的识别率,也正是牌照识别系统的困难和挑战所在。为了提高识别率,除了不断的完善识别算法,还应该想办法克服各种光照条件,使采集到的图像最利于识别。
In practical application, the recognition rate of license plate recognition system is closely related to the license plate quality and shooting quality. The quality of license plate will be affected by various factors, such as rust, dirt, paint peeling, font fading, license plate being blocked, license plate tilting, highlight and reflection, multi license plate, fake license plate, etc.; the actual shooting process will also be affected by environmental brightness, shooting brightness, vehicle speed and other factors. These factors reduce the recognition rate of license plate recognition in different degrees, which is the difficulty and challenge of license plate recognition system. In order to improve the recognition rate, in addition to constantly improving the recognition algorithm, we should also find ways to overcome various lighting conditions, so that the collected image is most conducive to recognition.

